How to find the synagogue

Machsike Hadas is located in

Ole Suhrs Gade 12, 1357 Copenhagen, Denmark

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Please note: These directions were updated last on January 3rd, 2013. We take no responsibility for their accuracy.

From Copenhagen ("Kastrup") Airport:

Take the metro to Nørreport (9 stops). From there, either take one of bus lines 6A, 14, 40, 42, 150S or 184 to Sølvtorvet (1 or 2 stops), or walk (less than 15 minutes; we refer to the map above, where Nørreport station is indicated by the train icons south of our location).
The whole trip should be less than half an hour, depending on time of day/week.
A ticket for the whole trip (same with or without the bus ride) is purchasable at the airport metro station for DKK 36 (5 Euros).

Alternatively, a taxi from the airport costs about DKK 180-240 (24-32 Euros) depending on time of day/week. In Danish taxis, credit card payment is available.






History »
The history of an orthodox community in Copenhagen...


Location »
The easiest way to find the synagogue...


Gallery »
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Mikveh »
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Tefillah times »
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Welcome to the Machsike Hadas Community of Copenhagen